Episode 78
Using the Divine Feminine Mirror to Balance Your Many Roles w/Love...
We explore and reflect on the empowering and healing essence of the Divine feminine mirror and also dive into the sacred realm of self-discovery, love, empowerment, and healing in this episode. We share a couple of ways you can see the Divine Feminine Mirror as a symbolic reflection of love, empowerment, and healing that reside within each of us, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced.
2 Ways to tap into Inner Strength & Wisdom:
- Gaze into a mirror in your mind and see a radiant light shining back at you. See a deep sense of love and acceptance wash over you. Reflect on what you see.
- Sit in silence and connect with your inner feminine energy. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Feel a sense of calm and peace wash over you. See a reflection of yourself in the divine feminine mirror as a strong and resilient woman capable of balancing your many roles with grace and love. In moments of stillness, realize that you hold within you the power to nurture, create, and heal.
Note that the Divine feminine mirror is not just a concept but a tangible source of love, empowerment, and healing that we can access within ourselves. By embracing this mirror and recognizing the divine qualities that reside within us, we can tap into a well of inner strength and wisdom that guides us towards a life filled with love, empowerment, and healing.
Dr. Mensimah Shabazz
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