Episode 61

Miracle-Making Time!

Published on: 10th November, 2023

In my last episode, I talked about the Presence and dropped a few lines of I AM statements we can affirm that will bring us alive to serve the world. We can express our magnificence beyond the roles we play daily, assert our essence as divine beings, and limitless as we walk this earth.

I also talked about miracles happening in my life and how awesome they felt, just pure jaw-dropping awesomeness. When we attune to the field of miracles, we see how the Divine intervenes in our daily challenges and struggles. If we could just move out of our own way!

I recently was reading the I AM Discourses by Godfrey Ray King and one affirmation stood out to me—probably because I needed a miracle to happen that day to enable me to shift to the reality desired. 

It says:

“I AM the miracle, and I AM the Presence compelling its manifestation through Divine Love, wisdom and power.”

It is obvious that manifestation of miracles do happen when we are able to hold state for the improbable. We often look at something outside of us to come and bring us the things we desire. This affirmation tells us that we are IT. We compel its occurrence through Divine love, wisdom and Power.

We must put ourselves in the field for the manifestation to occur. This means, that firstly we must drop all the undesirable relationships and situations that hold us back, that keep us small. If you have been praying, and you have tried so many different approaches to no avail, please re-center yourself and start over with new energy.

We are energy and the scriptures tell us that we are made in the image of God, which means that we have the same “flux out of which God created the world!” We are here to co-create with God. To achieve this, we must have faith that has no limits. We must create channels for expansion. The universe expands and creates something new out of a single word. We cannot stand still. We cannot continue to choose to play it safe. 

Collier notes:

“With us ordinary mortals, however, sooner or later comes a crisis in our affairs, and how we meet it determines our future happiness and success. Since the beginning of time, every form of life has been called upon to such crises. So the goal of life has always been DOMINION—a means of overcoming...

The purpose of Life from the very beginning has been dominion——dominion over every adverse circumstance. And through his part of dominion, his nerve-cell in the Mind of God and his ability through it to get whatever action he may persistently demand—man HAS dominion over everything.”

One solid practice I have used and recommend——is to make a Covenant with the Holy Spirit. I know it is old fashioned but it works miracles. Covenant with the Holy Spirit for your life, for health, strength, support, defense, perfect thinking, right speech, and for your joyous song of life.

Remember always, you are a Woman of Power and grace and you are the miracle, and the presence, compelling its manifestation through divine love, wisdom and power.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

If you’d like to know how to set up a covenant, please drop me a line. I appreciate you sharing our podcasts with friends and family. 


“And every morning I will say, There’s something happy on the way. And God sends love to me. God is the light of my life, the Source of my knowledge and inspiration. God in the midst of me knows. He provides me with food for my thoughts, ideas for excellent service, clear perception, Divine intelligence.”

Excerpt From: Robert Collier. “The God in You.” Apple Books. https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-god-in-you/id478649106



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Mensimah's Round Table: Conversations for Women of Power and Grace
Conversations with Women of Power and Grace is a community of women who are open to sharing stories of self-love, self-healing, self-understanding and transformation to benefit and empower other women.
Are you ready to do your soul work by tapping into your inner strength, wisdom, and intuition to create positive change and personal growth?

Join us at Mensimah’s Round Table: Conversations for Women of Power and Grace, where we dive into transformative conversations and topics, exploring personal leadership tools, and spirituality, that empower you to live a life filled with fulfillment and authenticity.

MRT Podcast offers tools to:
- Gain fresh perspectives to develop and leverage your personal power in all interactions
- Empower you to unlock soul power, wisdom, and joy through transformative spiritual tools/practices
- Get in tune with your innate gifts and beauty– Being the best mother, teacher, healer, chef, homemaker, et cetera.

I am Dr. Mensimah Shabazz. It has also been twenty-nine years since my first major illness – a debilitating back injury that sparked me into a new reality and awakening. In order to heal, I had to go back and fetch the story–the pain and also inner gifts I had spent my whole life forgetting. My life is back in balance, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

My new line of “work” as a transformational coach and my studies in transpersonal psychology and women’s spirituality were manifested instinctively. I wish to share these spiritual tools, knowledge and blessings with all women who are on their soulful journeys to finding peace, living fulfilling, authentic lives.

Tune into Mensimah’s Round Table: Conversations with Women of Power & Grace every Friday and feel a sense of empowerment to living a life that is both joyful and spiritually balanced.

To learn more about unlocking the best version of yourself, hit play on fan favorite, episode 65 “Being the Best Version of Yourself in 2024!
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Dr. Mensimah Shabazz

Dr. Mensimah Shabazz is a transformational coach, teacher and author. She focuses on women’s empowerment and spirituality. She holds a master’s degree in Transpersonal Studies from Sophia University and a doctorate in philosophy and religion (Women’s Spirituality) from the California Institute of Integral Studies. Mensimah is an inspiring speaker, whose passion focuses on issues facing women in the world. The author of Sankofa: Learning from Hindsight, Mensimah offers a unique perspective on spiritual and intuitive living drawn from her multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and indigenous background. She believes in creating a safe environment for individuals and groups to cultivate a spiritual and soul-based practice that is empowering and authentic. Mensimah brings a wealth of knowledge in how to balance life issues that lead to self-healing, self-understanding and transformation.