Episode 75
Eliminate Controlling Conditions Using Spiritual Practices & Rituals!
Three Takeaways to Creating Your Spiritual Rituals And Activities
You may have heard that there are many paths to the Goddess, or finding your way home. And if you can tune into that energy and vibration, your path will be illumined.
You can start by doing some of the simplest things that does not cost anything.
To get some traction to creating your own spiritual rituals, you must, first and foremost, eliminate external conditions that control you — people, relationships and work conditions that leave you deprived and or depressed. Any relationship that causes you to lose your peace of mind is not worth having—not on this journey anyway. We will get into this topic on a deeper level later. For now, we are eliminating the stuff that hinder the journey towards wholesomeness.
2. Gather medicine to heal your wounded-ness. Spending time in nature, being playful, finding humor daily, walking barefoot on the grass, smelling earthy scents and listening to sounds of the rain are activities that open you up to positive, joyful energies.
3. Practices of love and happiness set the tone to all your interactions. If you value yourself first, you energetically compel others to see you in the same light.
Creating spiritual rituals and activities deepen your relationship with the Divine and consequently, you are able to live a more fulfilling, gentle and balanced life.
Many blessings!
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