Episode 45
Things that Make You Say Ah!
I was just up Santa Fe New Mexico and we were surrounded by snow capped mountains and it was just spectacular! And the beauty of all around just made me gasp. Just made me say ah!
And then I thought we are always surrounded by such beauty and how many times do we stop and notice? Or stop and look, or to take it all in; give it some thought or love for having the opportunity to experience something that magical?
These mesmerizing moments show us how much emphasis we may putting on things that are less important than what our spiritual nature needs. I say this because these moments cannot be replicated by humans, and you do not have to have money to be exposed to it.
The universe endows us with such beauty all around us all year long. When do we stop to smell the roses? When was the last time you smelled the earth as it rained? When did you pause to possibly take a nap under a tree, feel the gentle breeze on your face or step into the ocean and just feel the wet sand under your feet?
Some folks might say or ask who has time? I would say make time. Because every moment you are missing noticing, being present with these universal gifts, is the very time you become disconnected with your own essence as a spiritual being, your own ability to center yourself and to bring balance to your experiences.
As a woman of power and grace, it’s important to recognize that you are the daughter of the most High One. And there’s absolutely nothing denied you if you take the time to make the the connection. And what’s even more gratifying is, your uniqueness, beauty and sensibilities are the very things God uses to experience this life through your eyes.
Make it count.
Many blessings and I will see you in a couple of weeks.
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